As I touched upon statuses in my last blog (or 1st blog as I fucked up) revolving around people writing a status about going to the gym, I thought it only fitting that my next one be about said statuses. Yes, I will lose friends on Facebook for this but honestly, I couldn't give a fuck and they're probably going to be the people who are notorious for doing the things that make me angry anyway, so win win in my (soon to be Nobel prize winning) book. So Dr. Zoidberg..I mean Mr. Zuckerberg, I hope you're making notes......
Why, in the blue hell, do people
have to write stupid statuses? Statuses that nobody cares about. Statuses that
will not help you in your life whatsoever, or even give you an inkling into
their life. I reckon I waste about 15
minutes of my day scrolling through the drivel that my friends/acquaintances
and stalkers compile on my news feed, in the hope of one status, just one
status, that I will appreciate, laugh at, ponder on or respond to. How they can call it a NEWS feed is beyond
me. Where’s the bloody news? I feel so
dejected when I get to the bottom of the feed and nothing has gripped me and I think
to myself, is everyone’s life as boring as mine? Doubtful, because mine is amazing. No wait,
that’s my dream life. When I write a status, it's either a funny thing that's happened to me that I think might be interesting for other people or something very poignant that I believe in, and want to tell the world, albeit small social world, regardless of responses! Needless to say, I make sure I LIKE everyone of mine, obviously, as I'm fucking hilarious....and sexy! What I don't do is write a status just to get a like (excluding my own) or a comment. That's just plain bloody needy!
Let me give you a few examples of the kinds of statuses that
really piss me off:
“John Smith – Is really angry*” Oh, I see, you want everyone
to ask why that is, is it john? So the
flood gates open, and in come the comments from those so called “caring people”
who really don’t give two shits asking “what’s wrong?” and “is everything
ok?”. What utter bollocks. If he had have put “John Smith - is really
angry that the bus left earlier than it should have, causing him to be late for
work!” I would have possibly liked it or
added a comment saying, “understandable anger mate, I can relate”. Don’t go through this whole charade where we
have to guess what’s wrong with you, that’s just taking the fucking piss. Grow
the fuck up and deal with your feelings like everyone else does…by hiding them
away deep down inside.
And what about people going on holiday in several months time,
every day it’s “93 sleeps to go til Butlins Minehead”. Followed by “92 sleeps to
go, can’t wait” and then “guess where I’ll be in 91 sleeps time”. Just tell us where you’re going and when in
one status and be done with it for Christ's sake. What are insomniacs meant to write, “90
sleep….less nights to go, someone please kill me.” What’s with this “sleeps”
scenario as well, what are we, 4 year olds? And while we’re on the subject,
people saying goodnight. Sorry John boy and Mary Jane, this is not little house
on the fucking prairie. I don’t go on
Facebook just before I’m about to go to sleep, just in case I can say goodnight
to someone. What is with that fucked up
Then we get the people who upload pictures of their food.
Well fucking done, you can cook, what the fuck do you want, a medal, a
chocolate watch or just a few likes and maybe one or two comments saying “that
looks lush” or “can I have some”. I’m
going to start uploading photos of me next to the toaster just as it pops up
with my thumbs up, or a pic of several boiled eggs on my plate. I don’t see Delia “where’s our twelfth man?”
smith or Gordon “fuck, fuckedee, fuckaroo” Ramsay doing it so why should
you. You are making a complete meal of
it, pun intended. Not only can anyone can make what you’ve made, but you seem
to be the only fucktard who feels so proud of their culinary achievement, that
you need to share it with all your social networking friends. Thanks, I can now go to sleep tonight safe in
the knowledge that you can make a Sunday lunch with all the trimmings, without
burning your house down. Bully for you.
However, if you were to put on a video of how animals eat food, I'd definitely be interested in seeing that!!!
Hey, do you look good today?
Why don’t you take a picture of yourself and put it on Facebook?
Go on! Why not?
There’s only 3,000 other "selfies" of you, and
just you, already uploaded so far this week, another one won’t hurt.
What is it with this conceited shit?
These people are taking the name of the site
too literally.
Now, I’m a self confessed
handsome man or as Derek Zoolander would put it “really, really, really, ridiculously
good looking”, but I’m not there taking picture after picture of myself with my
smart phone and posting them for everyone to see.
I don’t because I’m not an anal twat who’s so
into their looks, they’ve got shit on their face from their head being so far
up their own ass.
As well as that, I don’t
want to make other men feel bad about themselves.
Yes, I know, this may seem contradictive but I’m
also a self confessed sarcastic prick...I mean legend.
As sarcasm, as we all know, is the highest
form of wit.
“But I’m not up myself” I hear
people saying with their phone pointing at them from another ridiculous angle.
OK, if it’s not an ego trip, then you must be
so narcissistic and devoid of any self confidence, that you need constant praise
and approval.
And if that’s the case, Facebook
is not the way to go.
Actual medical
help is.
But the worst by far has got to be ‘a day in the life’ of
somebody who posts a status every 5 minutes telling you what they are doing
“Mandy Smith is getting in the shower as it looks cold outside, brrrrrr”, “Mandy
smith had a lovely shower and is tucking in to some lovely scrambled eggs,
check them out (pic included)”, “Mandy smith just had a lovely breakfast and is
now putting on her coat to go to work.”
By the 3rd status I would have defriended here and reported
her to Facebook for wasting my time reading such inane bullshit. I feel like a stalker just by reading
them. Do they think there are people out
there, that have so much interest in them, they need to know what they are
doing at every single bloody moment of the day? NO, HELL NO, FUCK
I'll leave you with this little gem that I missed out which is also, extremely.....fucking....annoying!
*or insert another type of emotion
lmao, love it Max! I freely admit to being one of those far too frequent updaters, but there some right corkers in there nowadays. I have too been guilty of most of the other 'facebook fails' except selfies and that stupid relationship thing - it's not even a relationship until you've been together a while, not the first night you fuck each other as many seem to think! No excuses intended but I write so much not cause I want other people to read/like/comment but because it's like my online diary and as everyone knows I'm not exactly a 'private' person and I always invite people to just delete me or hide my updates if they don't like it - they don't have to read it but I'm gonna write it anyway ;D