Friday, 31 May 2013

Why understandably angry?

Sorry guys, I got ahead of myself and started blogging before explaining why in the hell i was doing the bloody blog in the first place.  Let's put it down to me being a blogging newb, and the first post was giving you a taster of what's to come instead of just getting it ass backwards.
So, let me explain why the blog is called understandably angry.  Basically when I go out on the piss with the lads, they always think I get angry for no reason and most of the time they blame it on a bottle of lambrini or two that I’ve had before venturing out.  This normally annoys me, as not only is lambrini like ambrosia to the gods, but i don’t actually believe that a certain type of alcohol can change your attitude to make you feel anger, sadness or whatever.  I believe what ever you are feeling at the time of drinking gets amplified by alcohol itself, not a specific type.  So Stella is not wife beater, it is the wife beaters drink of choice, that’s all and pricks who think they are the hardest man in the world, after a stella, tend to act like they are by pushing men and women around alike .  Going off subject a tad. So all that being said, my normal retort to my friends when they say “don’t get angry tonight please mate” is first a startled expression followed by “I won’t and I don’t normally but if something make me angry and it’s completely understandable then I will and I’ll try to maintain it but it’s not easy” FACT. 
People should understand that the Incredible Hulk doesn’t just turn green for no reason.  Every action has an equal and opposite reaction so the hulks reaction to something that annoys him, is turning green, hulking up and throwing a train at somebody.  “Spoiler alert – and yes before you all say, “but in The Avengers he says he’s always angry, that’s his secret.”  Well that may be fair play but it’s not how Stan Lee envisioned his character way back in 1962 (thanks google) for Marvel Comics.

Either way, I am sure everyone in the world becomes understandably angry at some point in their life, and I believe at least 80% of you will inevitably bring up these frustrations when under the power, I mean influence, of alcohol whether it’s in an actual conversation or just bringing it up at really inopportune time.  Some keep it all welled up inside by sheer willpower or by rubbing their earlobes and chanting “woooosar” whilst taken deep breaths, others go and expel their unwanted angry energy at the gym or lay fuck into punching bag and there are those small minorities who send a strongly worded letter.  I can I empathise with that last part as I too have composed many a letter and also threatened to send a few whilst being out by taking manager’s names ect.., although I’ve never actually sent any.  Why not you ask? Too much hassle to spend money on envelopes and stamps, post the thing with a 90% chance of fuck all back.
Just to let you know.  I am not an angry person.  I'm quite a happy go lucky guy who is very immature and always up for a laugh.  But this needs to be set straight from the start as I don't want people perceiving me as something I'm not.  So this is how I’m doing it, by sharing those things that really piss me off and I deem as getting angry for a good reason, hence understandable angry, and I hope that there are those that share my opinion and can empathize and I also hope, no, I pray that there are people who are the cause of these moments, who upon reading this, change their fucking ways and stop causing strife for complete strangers they do not know. But that’s asking a lot I know. I'm sure some people will be offended but I just please the 5th, or the 1st, or whatever the fuck free speech is as I'm not American.  By all means comment, agree, disagree, call me a judgemental cunt, call me a free thinking god, just don't call me maybe!

So, with out further ado, my name is Max, and I, on the odd occasion, am a understandably angry person........

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