Now I go to the gym a lot to work out and keep fit as its
hard keeping this amazing body in shape (picture not included) and there are
several things that I’m sure a lot of you will have noticed if you go regularly
or have ever been to one before. Probably in January when most people make some kind of an conscious effort to follow their resolution which normally only lasts for about a month. Anyroad, here are some things that normally get me angry....but of an understandable nature as I'm sure you'll agree.
The Posers - Guys checking themselves out in the mirror is the norm in most gyms. Now I used to
hate this but some people actual do it for muscle purposes so you can see which
muscle you’re working out, to make sure it’s the right one. However, it’s the majority who are looking at
themselves for egotistical and pure vainy purposes which I hate. Most of them are more
Mr Muscle than Arnie but they can't see it, even though they're looking into the bloody mirror. I think we can ultimately blame this on Walt Disney's Snow White with that "mirror, mirror on the wall" scenario. I’ve seen guys throwing up some Usain bolt
poses while others act like they’re Popeye and they’ve just had their daily
dose of spinach. At least one person is
pulling up the top every two seconds showing off what they think is a six pack
and most of the time when it is, it's skinny kids doing it. *Make Note* Abs on a skinny bloke is like tits
on a fat bird, IT DOES NOT COUNT!!!
That’s like Tim Burton trying to shock everyone with the news that his
new Johnny Depp movie is co-starring Helena Bonham Carter. Really??? WOW!
Amateurs - Another thing that really grinds my gears and that’s
lads with big upper bodies, posing and thinking they’re Mr Big Stuff, but they
are all wearing jogging bottoms or tracksuit bottoms and you will never
eeeeever see them working their lower body out.
This is because they haven’t got one.
They actually think that it doesn’t matter about the lower body and it’s
just the upper body that counts as that’s what you can see most of normally,
demented, fools. Making sure you’re proportionate on from left to right is the
way body builders do things but they also know it goes the same way from top to
bottom as they don’t want to end up like top heavy fractions. Look that up if you’re one of these
people. There was a guy i used to see in
a real down and dirty weightlifting gym and he was huge, seriously. His upper body looked like a huge kite,
elongated traps, big shoulders and a tapering that went down to a tiny
waist. I don’t know how he did it but he
also always wore joggers. That’s why I
called him a kite as the only thing under those joggers, was the string.
It’s October now so the nights are getting darker and colder
and I can see why people tend to navigate more towards the indoor warmth of
their nearby gym. My gym however is next
to a running track, a proper running track, and yet in the summer just gone,
there was no one running on it, all of the people were on the treadmills ogling
the box (that is one thing I thought I’d never hear myself saying). Yes, Ok, our summers are not the hottest but
they are most certainly not the coldest so it was definitely the entertainment
package that kept them inside. So I ask
you again, are people even becoming lazier with their actual fitness
regime. Hell fuck they are.
Facebook Notifying - The last thing that makes me angry about the gym, is people feeling the need to tell Facebook all about it. Why do that? Do they think that people actually care you've gone up 5kg in your squatting since your last session or are you trying to make everyone believe you are ripped to shreds when in real life you're disgustingly overweight. Why don't you start taking pictures of your pre and post protein shakes and upload them as well, as i'm sure everyone's dying to see them too. Give it a break and stop filling newsfeeds with gym attending crap and just go and lift bro!!!
Well that's all for the gym least for now. I'll leave you with some food for thought. If a pub called itself 'The Gym', it would be easy to go for a few pints after work without lying to your partner about where your going. Plus, they'll probably commend you for going to what they think is a fitness least until it becomes obvious you're gaining weight not losing it! Ciao
HEY! It's been nearly 2 years since your last blog. As far as I can see. Probably have to add you as a friend to search on for more possibly hidden blogs... But I can't be fucked. Why can't you just show more, free of charge, like the ones I've just read? Got a website? For the first time in weeks I've laughed. I just got to the edge of fucking seat and - - - - OVER. No more. Since 30 May 2013. What happened? CONTINUE!! Please! It's fucking brilliant I NEED MORE! Thank you. Kind regards Vanessa Smith NZ
ReplyDeleteHahaha, well thank vanessa, very kind of you. Unfortunately shitty life got in the way...but i've decided to bring it back as a podcast which is how i've come across your comment and makes me think in some way that it needs to come back so your comment has really spurned me on...however it was 7 years ago you wrote this so...hope you're well and that you may read this but i'm holding out no hope.